Monday 16 February 2015

Beyond Good Looks

Do you think good looks alone can get a woman everything she could possibly want in life? Well this might be partially true, owing to the fact that we live in an extremely superficial world. Things do get easier for her in life, if she is a conventionally good looking person, as the very first thing that gets noticed about her are her looks. But what most people tend to forget is the fact that there is more to her than just her looks.

Some women want to be known for their looks and enjoy the admiration they get. There is absolutely nothing wrong about that, why should she not flaunt something that makes her feel confident. Alongside, there are women who want to be known for qualities other than just their looks. Life becomes a tad bit trickier for them. One of the worst kinds of stereotype attached with these women is that they are self obsessed and are in need of constant appreciation for their looks. Well guess what, that is not always true.

Have you ever thought about the common difficulties that these women have to face almost on a daily basis? Let me highlight some of them.  Most common problem is the issue of constantly being envied by other women. The amount of hatred that these women are capable of getting  from other women is enormous. It is a never ending process, no matter where you go, this negativity from others just never goes away.  Another problem is the insecurity that they create for others. If she is good looking then that does not mean she is here to snatch from you what’s yours, grow up a little. These reasons build up another major pro
blem, the problem of finding real friends. Because she makes other women envious and insecure, it becomes extremely difficult to find true friends to confide in. Often this leads to physical and mental isolation, leading to greater difficulties in life. She simply cannot trust anyone around her, for she can never be sure about their intentions.

Moving ahead there is another aspect to this story, what happens if good looks are accompanied by a great brain? When people look at someone so pretty, their mind get blocked and they often do not explore beyond. These women prefer to be known for their brain than their looks. Like enmity and insecurity weren’t enough that now she has to deal with wrong impressions too. The problem for these women is that because they have a great brain masked by good looks, they have to put in extra effort to get them being taken seriously, most of the times. Doing this on a daily basis is exhausting. Imagine a scenario where you have to prove your intellect again and again, only for people to take you seriously. Often people cannot associate with their intellect, which leaves these women frustrated and annoyed.

The problem with our society is that we always stereotype people because that makes things convenient for our understanding. One such common stereotype is that a pretty faced people are often low on intellect, as they are too obsessed with their looks to notice anything else around them. Our life long experiences and learning makes us believe in such stereotypes. A bigger mistake that we do is keeping our minds closed to new possibilities. There is more to a person than just their looks. Never dismiss her thoughts simply because you don’t think that all she is capable of doing is look pretty. World becomes easy for those who stand up for themselves and do not wait for validation from others. 

It can get unimaginably difficult for these women in the world. Do they need to scar their faces in order for others to look at them beyond their looks? Do they have to give up being who they really are simply because they need to be taken seriously? Why can’t she just be who she really is and be accepted for it? Perhaps her looks for her are nothing more than just another quality that she has. It is a natural gift and she appreciates it but do not define her solely on that. Think beyond. Be more accepting. 

Have a great day ... : )


  1. Agree with most of points, very well written :)

  2. मेरी अंग्रेजी भाषा कमजोर है, मैं हिंदी में ट्रांसलेट करके आपका लेख पढ़ा हूँ, और ज्यादातर बातों से सहमत हूँ, परन्तु कुछ बातें समझ से परे हैं। शानदार लेख👏

  3. My English language is weak, I have read your article by translating it in Hindi, and agree with most of the things, but some things are incomprehensible. great article
